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What’s The Difference Between Walking and Hiking?

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We all know what walking is, and in fact, some of us started to walk at the age of 1. Walking is using our feet one step at a time, in a normal, casual way. People also understand that hiking is associated with walking, but they wanted to know what is the specific difference. Today, in this article, we will discuss their differences and how they vary from each other.

So, what’s the difference between walking and hiking? Walking is typically a casual activity done in a more urban environment or on a road/sidewalks. Hiking, is better defined by taking to the trails and being out to immerse yourself more deeply in nature. There is also some elevation change that usually comes with hiking. Like reaching a summit or traveling along a ridge line.

Comparing Energy and Effort Needed for Each
Hiking requires more effort than walking because the terrain on the hiking trails are more challenging. As you hike, your body uses more energy to move on rough, hilly roads. It is only called walking if the road you are taking is uneven and does not have to be hilly or steep.

Route And Path Determines What You’ll Do
A significant difference between hiking and walking terrains would be that hiking is usually on natural rougher paths and walking is done on worn or constructed paths. Walking paths are typically concrete, gravel, asphalt, and sand. Man-made roads are often flat and smooth while hiking paths, on the other hand, are in the woods, reserved parks, and the mountains that are often rocky and steep. It’s common to cross a creek during a hike while casual walk would have a bridge.

Ideal Places for Walking and Hiking
Walking and hiking are fun and exciting ways to lose excess body fat and burn calories. However, not all places are safe and ideal for these kinds of activities. Choosing the correct places to perform these simple exercises surely gives you the maximum benefit.

Walking is done on the surfaces like walking along the beach, walking on concrete or asphalt, gravel or move from one place to another or just around the house will do. Walking is easier because the movements are constant and you might not walk too far. Hiking is going on certain paths in outdoor areas such as hills, mountains, and even on open parks.

A Walk in the Park
When we were young, our first walking experience was done in the park. A walk through a windy park filled with trees and flowers promotes a good and positive mood. You can let go of whatever is bothering you, free your mind from stress and breathe fresh air. Forget about your problems. Just feel the fresh atmosphere while walking casually or doing brisk walking.

Walking in the park also increases self-confidence and self-esteem as you get to meet people from your neighborhood or nearby places. A walk in the park gives you peace and more quiet time. It is a very rare occasion when you find yourself in peace and not dealing with traffic and busy street noises. Walking in the park is very relaxing and well worth a day trip.
