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No wonder the elderly, when they have finished working hours, tired of such a life in a city that only gave them survival, return to the village, to the plots and old houses left to them by their ancestors.

People in the countryside are not passing each other but side by side, aware of the existence of other sentient beings. Another huge advantage of the village is the calmness that comes from the slow flow of time that seems to flow twice as slowly as in various bustling cities. This, of course, has a positive impact on village residents who have much less problems with depression, nervousness and illness caused by pressure on the psyche.

The village is the perfect environment for the upbringing and development of children, because in the countryside children are kept in the clean nature and not with the sounds of a concrete drill, traffic or loud music coming from nearby cafes.

Living in harmony with nature, children quickly learn to appreciate it. Parents do not have to be in the throes of every moment wondering if their child has reached school or friends safely because the crime rate in the countryside is low, so children living in the countryside are much safer than those living in the city.

Since its inception, cities have been political, economic and cultural centers that attract many who want to venture into one of these branches or simply want to replace their honest peasant, hard-earned bread with those lighter, urban, served from someone else’s oven, made by someone else’s. hands. We have nothing to ask ourselves, what is the matter with all that bread, on which table is it mixed?

Living in the city, we slowly lose ourselves and become part of the whole. From the point of view of rulers, this is good news because it is easier to manage a multitude that acts as one organism than to each individual. From a non-governmental perspective, this is not good news because it means that we only seemingly make decisions because they are conducted all the time.

Because of the fast-paced and stressful life in the city and the loneliness it causes many of its inhabitants, more and more people are realizing that the village, even just ten kilometers away from the city, gives them an escape from most of the problems it creates.
