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World Bee Day

The communication that takes place between bees is very complex, and to this day it is not fully understood. It consists of a whole range of behavioral patterns that take place inside and outside the hive. One of the most important links in this chain of information is the dance language discovered by Carl von Frisch, which over time has become one of the most intensively studied forms of communication between animals.

The sensory world of bees is remarkably adapted to the signals produced by flowers. With their bright colors, they stand out from the woods and green leaves, and bees can notice these colors. The flowers smell, and the bees have a very developed sense of smell.

The shapes and colors of the flowers, their scents, the position on the stem and the daily doses of nectar they secrete are precisely adjusted to attract pollinators. These “specialists”, be they bees, bumblebees, flies or some other group of insects, have adapted to respond to certain types of flowers.

With the exception of hearing, which is very poorly developed in bees, they, to a greater or lesser extent, use almost all other techniques like us, plus a few additional ones, and in many cases their senses are much more developed or, at least, different from ours.

They cannot see a focused visual image in three dimensions as we can, but see the world two-dimensionally, but they detect movements much better, which “decompose slowly”, like flies (which makes them very difficult to catch, because they can “predict” our intentions).
