Within the framework of establishing cooperation with organizations dealing with the protection of birds and their habitats, the Ornithological Society “Our birds”, in cooperation with the NGO “Novi Val”, organizes a two-day workshop on “Ensuring safe bird flight on the Adriatic migratory route” whichq it aims to ensure the safe flight of migratory birds from central and northern Europe to wintering grounds in Africa across the Balkan Peninsula.
The workshop is the result of synergy between the projects “Adriatic Flyway 4: Safe Flyways – stop illegal bird killing in the Mediterranean”, Bosnia and Herzegovina anti-poisoning program – phase 1 (BHAPP) and “Establishment of bird collision mortality monitoring system in karst poljes of Bosnia and Herzegovina ”
During the workshop, a memorandum of cooperation will be signed with some of the partner organizations to address the three leading problems that birds encounter when flying through Bosnia and Herzegovina: poaching, poisoning and collision with power lines.
Poaching activities in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina most often include hunting of protected species, hunting during the hunting season, use of means for mass capture of birds, hunting from motor boats and using the law on hunting of prohibited weapons for hunting in protected areas. Poisoners, predators and certain types of wetlands are most affected by poaching.