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The local partnership for employment in Mostar invites all interested unemployed young individuals who want to start their own business to apply for participation in the employment support program, which is implemented within the project “Support of the European Union to Local Partnerships for Employment – Phase II” (LEP II), funded by the European Union with €4 million, and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The Association for Economic Development REDAH, in partnership with the City of Mostar, the University of Mostar, the company IT odjel d.o.o. Mostar, and the Employment Service of HNŽ-HNK, is implementing the project “SUPPORT FOR YOUTH IN EMPLOYMENT IN THE IT SECTOR,” which will last for 21 months with a total value of 400,182 KM, of which the EU grant amount is 312,932 KM. The project aims to train at least 60 unemployed individuals for jobs in the IT sector, train at least 20 unemployed individuals to start their own businesses, and provide training for 8 unemployed individuals to improve their businesses after registering.

Eligibility to participate in the business idea development support program is open to citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, unemployed adults registered with employment services up to 35 years old, who wish to start their own business in the territory of Herzegovina with financial and advisory support from REDAH. The business idea’s activity is not limited to the IT sector, but priority will be given to activities whose main operations utilize IT technology.

Candidates whose applications meet the criteria of the Business Idea Evaluation Commission will have the opportunity to start a business with advisory and financial support from REDAH.

Advisory support will take place in two rounds of 3 days each, and financial support of up to a maximum of 9,150 KM per newly established business will be provided for a maximum of 8 best-rated business plans. The funds from the financial support will be used to support businesses in accordance with the approved business plan.

The text of the public call and the application form can be found at the link: PUBLIC CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM OF ADVISORY AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT – Redah
