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Ožujsko pivo and Novi Val, together with local partners, carried out a riverbed cleaning action fort the Buna River as part of the campaign ‘Take care, be mindful, don’t litter!

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The Youth Club “Novi Val,” local partner “Blagaj City,” and the Sports Fishing Association “NERETVA 1933” carried out a cleanup action in collaboration with the socially responsible company Molson Coors and their brand Ožujsko pivo.

The cleanup action took place on Saturday, July 23, 2022, from the source of the Buna River to the Bunica Recreation Center.

The event began with the gathering and registration of participants at 11:00 AM at the Galčići parking lot, Buna Source. During the action, the focus was on removing waste from the Buna Riverbed, and a total of 34 bags of trash were collected with 32 participants taking part in this cleanup effort.

The campaign, under the slogan “Take care, be mindful, don’t litter!”, achieved its goal of cleaning the Buna Riverbed from Buna Source to the Bunica Recreation Center, aiming to raise citizens’ awareness of environmental issues.

We would like to extend special thanks to the local partner “Blagaj City” for providing the canoes that helped make this action possible.

We also want to inform citizens that other cleanup actions are planned for rivers across Herzegovina.

For more information, visit the website
