Tesla batteries help power new solar water desalination plant in Kenya
The non-profit organization Give power has installed the first solar-powered desalination plant in Kenya. The plant provides 20,000 gallons (76,000 liters) of clean drinking water a day, enough for 35,000 people.
Humans have been trying to desalinate ocean waters for thousands of years, but so far the process has been energy-intensive and expensive. But now, thanks to Tesla's super-efficient solar panels and batteries, it is possible to harness endless solar power to get the job done for us.
Barnard hopes to open similar facilities around the world to help with the upcoming global water crisis. Half of the world's population is expected to live in areas without access to drinking water by 2025. Already, every third person does not have access to clean drinking water.
The GivePower organization hopes that locals will start the business of transporting water to local schools, hospitals and neighboring villages.